Email newsletters

As part of the service we will automatically send a range of branded emails to your clients, contacts and prospects

As part of the service we will automatically send a range of branded emails to your clients, contacts and prospects. The email will be sent out as if it's come from you, with your logos and contact information. Not only will it keep your clients, prospects and contacts informed, but it will also direct them back to look at your website.

In your website admin area you will get access to contactMANAGER which allows you to add, edit and delete contacts for the various mailings. We also provide registration forms within your website to allow users to subscribe to these mailings.

Monthly news icon

Monthly Newsletter

eNEWS is a monthly newswire, written by Mercia's technical experts, covering recent tax developments and other business issues. We'll automatically post these stories on your website and email them out (in a branded HTML format) to everyone who's set-up in contactMANAGER to receive them.

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Budget report icon

Budget and Spring Statement Reports

In the early hours of the morning, the day after the Budget and Spring Statement are announced, we will email all of your contacts with a detailed summary of the announcements, linking to your website for more information. The emails are branded with your details and will hit your clients' inboxes before other firms are even starting to put their reports in the post.

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Christmas eCARD icon

Christmas eCARD

Each Christmas we'll create an eCARD for you and send it to your contacts. This can provide a seasonal message and, if you wish, details of your office opening hours over the Christmas period. It will also include your logo and corporate colours. We won't charge you for this service, but will ask you to make a charitable donation in lieu of using this service. In 2019 we had a fantastic £18,948 generously donated to a variety of national and local charities!

taxreminder icon

Tax Reminders

taxREMINDER sends regular emails to your contacts reminding them of the key tax deadlines and events.

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